SMT or Surface- Mount technology helps in production of electronic circuits. The components are placed directly onto the surface of PCBs or printed circuit boards in this type of technology. The electronic devices which are made by this method are called surface-mount device or SMD.
PCBs support electronic devices which includes everything from home and kitchen appliances products to television sets. PCB assemblies subcontract manufacturing services are today available all over the world. They also offer Electronic Manufacturing Services which has seen a rapid growth in recent times. Many of these offer complete PCB assembly services besides PTH, SMT and
PCB assembly is the process by which electronic components are adhered to a Printed Circuit Board. PCBs are used in almost all electronic devices that you come across. There are many companies which offer different types of PCB assembly services.
PCB function testing is one of the most crucial steps in the whole manufacturing process of Printed Circuit Boards. It is a sort of validation stating that the products thus manufactured and assembled are free of flaws or defects. This step is imperative to ensure optimum customer satisfaction and is carried out before the products
The importance of PCB Function Testing in the manufacturing process of PCBs goes indubitable, given the significant role it plays in acting as the decision maker at the final juncture just before they are shipped. The whole purpose of the Functional Test is therefore to analyze whether the PCBs follow a certain standard of safety
SMT stands for surface mount technology and this technology was developed in 1960. IBM were the pioneers to use this technology. This method is used for constructing electronic circuits used by the engineers to develop ample of products for several industries.
There are many people who believe that electromechanical assemblies can be done by them with a little knowledge and some required equipments. The truth is that the modern day electronic boards and cards have become very sophisticated and so it’s impossible to manufacture one in your home with the electronic devices and knowledge that you
The idea of contract electronic manufacturing is growing at a high rate in different parts of the world. The contract manufacturing of the electronic parts is essentially a part of the consequent changes that have been made as the advancements are done in the manufacturing section. Perfectly made with the collaborating electronic support available in
Man has evolved from apes to the mainly dominant creature of the planet. With the help of computers man has taken the next step towards space. In fact we cannot imagine a life without a computer. All of this has been possible only due to the advancement in digital electronics. The basic building block of